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The following is from the original 27 MB file containing 716 images (many actually copyrighted) packed in a DLL resource titled AN ILLUSTRATED DICTIONARY OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY.exe which was first built and then this one was derived for the sake of simplicity. All copyrighted figures or images of photographs (as images) have been crunched and also in this HTMLtoEXE edition the copying is disabled, though of course you cannot stop screen capture and hence the precaution to some extent.

No work can be accomplished without help from a number of people or sources. The following is but a little note but the help taken and received is extravagant.


Only major works are credited, others left unattributed for which I submit apologies. But they too have contributed in great measure.

1. Ramsay, J G 1967 Folding and Fracturing of Rocks. McGraw Hill, NY

2. Ramsay, J G and Huber, M I 1983 Techniques of Modern Structural Geology, Vol I Strain Analysis. Acad. Press

3. Ramsay, J G and Huber, M I 1987 Techniques of Modern Structural Geology, Vol II Folds and Fractures. Acad. Press

4. Ramsay, J G and Lisle, R J, 2000 Techniques of Modern Structural Geology, Vol III Application of continuum mechanics to structural geology Acad. Press

5. Ghosh, S K 1993 Structural geology, fundamentals and advanced concepts Pergamon 

6. Hobbs, B E, Means, W D and Williams, P F 1976 An Outline of Structural Geology Wiley

7. Hancock, P L 1992 Continental Deformation Pergamon

8. Billings, M P 1971 Structural Geology Prentice Hall

9. S Marschak and G Mitra Structural Geology

10. Lisle, R J 1987 Strain Analysis, Rf/Phi technique Pergamon

11. Lisle, R J and Leyshon,P R 1997 Stereographic Projections in structural geology Pergamon

12. Price, N J 1966 Fault and Joint Development Pergamon

13. Davies, G 1988 Structural geology of rocks and regions.

14. Pluim and Marschak's Earth Structure,2000

15. Microstructures by Passhier and Trouw Springer 16. Others include many edited volume by Hsu, Harland, McClay and Price, deJong and Scolten, to name only a few and a large number of some hallmark papers in structural geology that led to major conceptual changes in our understanding of this subject.

16. Materials science and Engg by William Callister John Wiley and Sons

On Line:

1. Jessel, Bons and Rey, Monash University, Au (including Elle microstructural modeling some animations included). Draws too heavily from here, I am afraid.

2. Leeds Univ Earth Sciences Dept, UK

3. University of San Diego State Univ) webpages, US

4. Harmon D Maher Jr's webpages

5. Stanford Univ page, US

6. University of Wisconsin including Green Bay), US

7. University of Minnesota, US

8. Cornell University, Ithaca also software on Faults and stereonet), US

9. Purdue University, US

10. Texas University and A and M University of Texas, US

11. Cardiff Univ, Wales

12. R Holcombe's pages exquisitely explicit animations and some lovely software-Fry Plot, Georient,StrainCalc,Ghoshflow etc). Draws too heavily from here.

13. Imp College of Science and Technology, London, UK

14. Prof Passhier and his students'(Hafner, Koehn) webpages

15. Journal of virtual explorer, (interesting papers on interactive software and volume to honor Prof Means) Au

16. Stephen Martel, Univ of Hawaii, US

17. Univ of S Alabama, US

18. Dr John Waldron's pages

19. Z Reches page, Israel

20. Yale University, CT, US

21. Western Ontario pages, Canada

22. SUNY at Albany pages, US

23. SUNY at Buffalo pages, US

24. Dr McConnell's pages (univ of Akron)

25. University Durham pages

26. Brunel Univ pages

Most of the webs from Under Capricorn are particularly good for Asian students. By far the best in computers in nearly all fields comes from here.


Some photographs are taken from the doctoral theses of Gopal Maheshwari (3), Narendra Vaghmarey (3), Prabhat Diwan (6), Yashwant Katpatal (5), Somesh Pandey (2), Yadav Mavale (10) and Shailendra Singh (2). Other sources include theses from graduate students from other universities. These are either acknowledged in the related text or directly superscripted on the photographs.


email: pproday@sancharnet.in  Web: http://www.structural-geology-portal.com

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