An erosional surface underlain by rocks that show more complex
structural style than in the younger rocks above. In simple cases, the
older strata are either folded or homoclinally inclined and the younger
ones are only gently inclined or are subhorizontal. The photograph shows
this latter type in the northwest highlands of Scotland close to the Irish
sea. In some cases the younger strata just overlie the igneous plutonic
rocks, this being a nonconformity. In cases where the strata above and
below have the same attitude, the term disconformity is used. Obviously,
in case of the last, there was no change in the attitude before the
deposition of younger strata began, the only event being the uplift and
erosion. Hence, both the sets show the same attitude as they were
subjected to the diastrophic movements or tectonic forces together, after
the formation of erosional surface.