A sheet or pile of rocks that has moved
considerable distance from the place where it was formed; in an orogenic
belt, where it lies over an autochthonous block which has stayed in its
own place. A surface of decollement separates the lower autochthon and an
upper allochthon. Many Alpine and Himalayan nappes have formed in this
manner by large scale mass transport. Sometimes, there is little
deformation in the allochthonous nappes despite the long distance over
which they have moved. The diagrams produced here are that of window and
klippe, ramp and flat, and stretching lineations and stylolites together
with syntectonic crack seal antitaxial, syntaxial, composite or stretched
crystal veins. The features such as these together with imbricate faults,
listric faults and decollement are also described
in detail elsewhere in this assembly.