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Listric Faults

Considerable discussion centred on the use of 'listric' in describing faults which are concave upwards and whose plane flattens out at depth,

( Bally and Mandl & Crans 1981). A. W. Bally has suggested the following definitions:

REVERSE LISTRIC FAULT (RLF) is a curved fault (concave upwards) in which, the steep-often sub-vertical segment is a high angle reverse fault, the middle segment is a medium

angle reverse fault and the sole is a bedding plane fault. In both the steep and middle segments, older rocks overlie younger rocks whereas there is little or no repetition of beds hy the sole fault.


curved fault (concave upwards) which may be divided into high angle normal fault, medium angle normal fault and bedding plane or sale fault segments. With the high and medium angle normal faults stratigraphic section is omitted and younger rocks overlie nlder rocks.